Why Jordan Peterson Resonates with So Many Young Men


Jordan Peterson is seemingly, the most vilified man in certain academic and societal circles, or would be if it wasn’t for Donald Trump.  And, like the U.S. President, he has become a polarizing figure, not because of what and who he is and teaches, but because of how he has been characterized by others.  Luckily, he fights against being defined by others; and asks you to do the same.

He is a tenured Professor of Psychology, at the University of Toronto, and, from most accounts, he has been impactful on others throughout his life; from fellow students when he was in college, to the students he’s taught over the years, at Harvard and the University of Toronto.  I assume anyone reading this is already familiar with Dr. Peterson, so I won’t give another version of his biography today.

His fame exploded with a video of him speaking with upset protestors about the use of pronouns and the new laws being passed in Canada that limit free speech, and make it criminal to not use certain words when addressing certain people from unspecific sections of the community at large.  I believe he has stated that, he personally did not disagree to using different pronouns for individuals, in some circumstances, but he refused to accept the subjugation of thought and its expression, to the tyranny of the ever changing majority!  Especially, when those labels demanded, are neither fixed or understood in the minds of those demanding their use, let alone the general population.

The transgender phenomenon, and its fascist demands of acceptance, has been “the straw that broke the camels back” for many intelligent people in the world.  It is the literal embodiment of the post-modernist Marxist philosophies driving the culture in the Universities, and their progeny; the News and Entertainment worlds.  We have now been subjected to the narrative that; “all is relative“, “there is no real truth“, “feelings trump facts“, and “all people are just the sum of small ideological boxes; race, education, wealth, etc.” for over 50 years.  All the Political Correctness, Marxist, claptrap that mostly came out the Frankfurt School. (Which, for those who don’t know, was created to progress Marxism around the western world.  Although, once they realized the people they thought would rise up against the bourgeoisie, were too busy being happy, and raising a family on their own property [or if they weren’t there yet, they could see it from where they were.], they came up with Critical Theory.  Critical theory means; break everything up in simple concepts like; race, gender, etc., which is known as Identity Politics, then be critical of everything in those little boxes, until people learn they actually aren’t happy.   Once they realize that, they will rise up, commit the mass murder of a class of society, to steal it’s wealth, which they will redistribute; thus, apparently, resetting both the morals and the wealth of the world.  The Government will then be able to distribute all abilities through education, wealth through wages and taxes, and happiness through being a part of the group.  Remember, the people who believe and push these philosophies, took it further in the 1970’s by the French Post Modernists to the belief we are in a post fact world.  They think the Enlightenment Period with all its logic and reason, based on facts, is just a jumping off point, now we can fashion our own facts and logic for our reality, and it will be so.  Like I said, claptrap.)

Those philosophies offer their followers no foundation!  They only offer the perceived entry into, granted, the most enticing of all groups, the majority.  Not just the majority, but the especially intelligent and enlightened majority, that is somehow uniquely qualified to make decisions for others.  Which is a colossal break from reality its self, especially since they think the majority of people are idiots…they just aren’t in that majority.

Now that we’ve had an entire generation be under its influence from birth, we see the results.  Young men and women who are confused to their core!

From the time they were born they’ve heard conflicting stories at every turn.  Babies aren’t babies until they are born; unless they are wanted, and then they get a name, a gender reveal party, mom and dad talk to them in the womb, and on and on.  They aren’t supposed to be racist, but all their teachers and politicians define everyone by their skin color (Identity Politics).  They are supposed to help the poor, but the only solutions offered are Government handouts, that, as predicted at their inception, has not caused the end to poverty, but an institution of generational poverty.  Which is a proven cancer to people; families first.

They are never shown tangible beliefs that aren’t fluctuating from definition to definition.  They can never plant a flag, because what is loved today is hated tomorrow.

There are, of course, philosophies and beliefs that are the antithesis of those presented to them from all of their approved sources of information, but those are not an option to be even considered.  The “other” side has already been vilified and shunned.  Since, rejection from the group is their worst fear, they would never entertain the idea of choosing to be shunned, by joining the enemy.  So much so, that they don’t even want to be exposed to the ideas of the other side, for fear of being influenced.  And, to keep them in that constant state of mind, the news and entertainment world reminds them every few minutes that conservatives, the GOP, people of Faith, and the like, are simple buffoons that are causing all the ills of the world.

I never understand why people don’t see the message communicated by the constant drum beat of hate and disdain thrown at one particular group of ideologies for what it is?  How is that not a huge red flag?!  If your beliefs are rooted in facts, then you just need to hear and understand them once, you don’t need to have them reinforced by the minute. They should also stand on their own, without having to vilify the other side.

Except, I forgot, there are no facts, just feelings and the consensus of the group.  In that case, if they are to understand what they are supposed to believe, they do have to be told, and told often, so they feel safe in that one certainty.

They are not defined by a set of ethics and beliefs based on factual evidence and reason, they are defined by what they hate.  What they hate is defined by ignorant straw-man definitions that are simple to understand, and easily used to define yourself as the opposite (fascist = antifa).  Ignorant arrogant entitled children perpetually restricting their own knowledge for the feeling of belonging.

Real life is designed to chew that individual up.  Even their own internal dialogue must condemn them.  Once they leave the safety of their echo chamber, they are challenged in ways they can’t respond to with confidence, or even understanding.  Huge internal conflicts and self hatred compete with their arrogance, and perceived belonging to the enlightened group.  They are told they will be happy if they do and believe these things, but they are then perpetually focused on the negative aspects of others and life, with happiness always around the corner.  A constant state of flux, and exhausting confusion.

Jordan Peterson says, “There is another way to be.”

Yes, he does it through confrontation when demanded, but mostly does it through taking you down the path of understanding (of, whatever the topic may be, including yourself) in a tangible way that includes you, through understandable examples.  Your inclusion brings a sense of participation in the digestion of this knowledge, and that makes it accessible, and for many young minds, this births that special elation felt when understanding removes the veil of ignorance; may you be blessed with it daily.

He spends a great deal of time discussing sorting yourself out in the most simple of ways, and building on the successes that come with the sorting.  Hold yourself accountable and set goals to be accountable to.

He also shows there are historically proven philosophies and beliefs that can be your foundation, they do not fluctuate, and you already know them; whether you know it or not.

This is where I started watching more of his videos.  I realized long ago; life is stories.  Everything you do, say, and believe, is based on a story.  Whether it was your parents passing on the stories of your religion, your grandparents sharing the stories of your culture, or the current culture using the news and entertainment industry, coupled with our teachers, to communicate what’s been previously described.  Even the story of a rabbit taught many to tie their shoes when they were a small child.

I had found a kindred spirit, in Dr. Peterson, but he possesses the education and abilities I covet.  Even though I am close to his age, I had a man crush for a little while.  I fell under the spell of the archetypal “Wise” Professor… The guy who has studied it all, and has coalesced it into digestible chunks, that make sense with reality as I experience it.

His ability to approximate that caricature of the wise Professor, and the deliberately emphasized pauses in speech, that denotes processing and multifaceted considerations being made before committing thoughts to the ether.  These things make him almost irresistible to young men looking for stability.

I continue to be a big fan, and enjoy seeing him engage with the media and their delusional belief systems.  They truly become confused that he doesn’t fit in little boxes like they, their straw-man arguments, and their worldview, does.  Having seemingly, never tested their beliefs outside their echo chamber, they are stymied by the logical and factual responses to their flawed assumptions, that are based on a system of false narratives.  They usually come prepared with some “gotcha” prop or accusation, but those end up crumbling around them leaving them in an embarrassed state grasping for dignity before the segment is over.

The thing that is now questioned and commented on the most in the media, is his audience; hundreds of thousands of young people, mostly men.  The idea that a man can get that many people to listen to him, when he is going against the zeitgeist, is baffling to the truly indoctrinated.  Not only baffling, but scary.  They are part of an industry that wields these indoctrinated people as a weapon, so they assume, he thinks and does the same.  But, he doesn’t…

He educates, and the educated wield themselves!

Their greatest fear.

The question the media should be asking is not; why is Jordan Peterson so influential with young men?  But, why is there such a large group of young men willing to risk being ostracized to find what he is offering?!










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