What happens when one ideology is portrayed, in almost all popular media, to be “right” and the ideology of those who are intelligent and informed? What if the higher education system also, went out of its way to vilify all the philosophies of “the other side”? Having all TV sitcoms and interview shows spending the majority of their time bashing and mocking those same beliefs? Creating a media drumbeat that is constant, and as mesmerizing as a lullaby.
A perpetual grouping of peoples, and the assigning of cartoon characteristics to define them. Always, tapping into the most basic of desires in all humans, the idea of belonging, belonging to the accepted group. We are social animals, and we crumble in fear if we think we’ve been pushed out of the group. If minds are powered by the fear of not belonging, they willingly take what is offered to remove that fear. Which is always, something/someone to blame and a group to join, to reclaim that feeling of acceptance. The acceptance that must be reclaimed from the people who stole it, but reassigned their blame to others. Just like they steal a persons self definition and, reassign them with the group identity. The group is safety, and acceptance is love. That is all the human ego needs…except more… more… more…
Once they are shown the groups, and which one to belong to, their most base instincts take over. They get a set of beliefs that has its own inside jokes, and vocabulary. It has books, movies, and now, memes and clips, as its scriptures; like the Christians have their Bible. Although, unlike the Bible, their scriptures change on the whims of the group. In fact they elevate even the idea of instability as a virtue. “It is not a flip-flopping belief system,” they say, “it’s a progressing and evolving belief system.” Except it is not progressing or evolving in the manner implied. It is not getting more complex and inclusive, quite the opposite. It is reversing those aspects, already acquired by our culture, by reverting back to tribalism and indoctrination, over maintaining unity in society and education.
The problem with indoctrination; or the programming of people, is it has to be constant and persistent. The now classic image of someone strapped to a chair, with their eyes forced open, and monitors displaying images and words over and over again, is almost what we see in the mass media. Don’t believe me? Look and listen. Ask yourself why they shoehorned in that lame joke about the GOP, or Christians, etc.? Even the most indoctrinated, I would’ve assumed, would eventually say, “Yeah, I get it. You got me, already.” But, they don’t. Those programmed messages of bigoted opinions are just a part of their reality.
Educated people don’t need to have their understanding reinforced by the media every few minutes. Education is based in reality and facts, so it is reflected in life; the actions and behaviors of others. When your beliefs stop explaining and predicting life, then you need to throw out those beliefs and find ones that do reflect reality. You don’t throw out reality, and attempt to convince everyone else they aren’t seeing the real reality!
Of course, that is exactly what has happened with every attempt at Marxist governments. They have to force everyone into one “reality”. The Group reality. The State run media starts telling people what is the new reality. Because it is not reality, many people (the educated) will protest this fake reality being perpetrated on the people. They are, of course, rounded up, and put in prisons, labor camps, or killed. The State cannot have dissenters in society ruining reality. That just ends up creating more systems that must be fed with humans, and the remaining society members, fully aware of the two realities; yet will fully contain their actions and words to exclusively reflect the reality assigned them from the government, even in private. Only left to dream of a place they could be free to be their true selves!
But, when you speak with the enlightened of today’s society, they actually think, those killings, and inauthentic lives lived, wouldn’t happen if they were the ones putting the system together. “All those that came before, just didn’t understand what they were doing,” they say. They think they will be able to create a system where; “we’ll just think of others” and “we’ll all work together as one loving group” (I would say family, but that notion has to be destroyed and reassigned to the government.)
It’s a common narrative coming from teachers, and so many girls and boys today. Of course, those ideas fail on multiple layers of human nature and behavior. They go against over a hundred years of history, as well as, logic and reason. Sadly, nobody has shown them that history, or taught them reason and logic. They are almost devoid of historical and anthropological understanding. Rendering factual information useless, because they don’t understand it, or it’s context.
The malevolent souls, that sold and perpetuated these Postmodern Marxist philosophies, that are believed in by those in power today, understood the way to motivate others is through fear manipulation. The first targeted are those in the weakest positions in society, because they are already feeling powerless. So, when they are sent information telling them they are being, or will be, oppressed further, they begin to panic. Once panic has set in, they will accept almost anything, as long as it comes with acceptance, belonging, and an end to the panic. They will even accept indoctrination and self directed ignorance.
That system of beliefs has obvious and colossal holes in it. The entire ideology is not based on its own merits, but the implied flaws in others. They attempt to define themselves by these grand and sweeping concepts of unity and peace, but when they try to apply those undefined beliefs into action, they find that undefined concepts, can only give rise to undefined actions. They end up having to define themselves exclusively by their enemies.
What they failed to realize was what a slippery slope that is. You must imbibe your opposition with a complexity that is commensurate with observable reality, and then demonstrate your beliefs are superior through reason and evidence. They can’t do that, so they have to keep simplifying the enemy, to maintain their feelings of superiority.
The academics and media people of the world, have been indoctrinated and then kept in echo chambers. They aren’t exposed to new ideas, or challenged on their ever increasingly simple conclusions. Their level of understanding doesn’t increase, they just keep fluffing up their egos in meetings and forums. Leaving the kids of today to be indoctrinated by the indoctrinated. Education is out, and conformity is in.
Conformity to a set of ideologies that are not based on science or logic and reason, but untenable accusations against the enemy. But, they don’t really know that. They think they actually KNOW things because the group does. They can’t answer any questions about that knowledge, but as long as they aren’t questioned, they can sleep well knowing how informed they are!
Even though they know they, and all their close friends, are actually intellectual frauds, they still think the people on the other side are too. Actually, more so. So, even though they know they are very uninformed as an individual, they still think their group has all the facts on its side, and they just need to ask a professor, or google it. The problem with that is, it is simply not true.
Even if you do go to a very credentialed left wing Professor and asked about the philosophies of the group. Their answers will not hold up to examination. They can go on and on, using big word after huge word, and still not be able to answer two why questions in a row! If you then interact with any educated conservatives, the reality that they can answer questions, regardless of the amount of whys, is an extremely frustrating and damning truth to those who’s entire self image is based on the group image!
To prevent their universe from collapsing around them, they avoid any differing information or opinions. As seen with antifa, and others like them, who exist only to destroy truth and knowledge, and attacking anyone outside the group, with violence and intimidation. Like all fascist groups are known to do, and always under a false banner of policing the corrupted other side.
The big problem with the left today is the echo chamber they have been in for years. They are never challenged, so they never grow. Their arguments are nonexistent, and their understanding is superficial at best. They constantly get in groups and gleefully role play sparring against the ignorant right wingers. They mock the ideas they think come out of the minds of conservatives, even though the only information they have to draw from are caricatures of the real beliefs and logic of conservatives. Leaving them horribly ill prepared for reality.
The logic they base their arguments on, are used one way in one instance, and another way in a different circumstance. (Again, immigration. “We must have an open border so people can escape their shithole countries!” Newsflash: “President Trump triggers multiple weeks of news discussion, protests in the streets, and headlines around the globe, by agreeing that some countries are shitholes.”) There are many examples of the failed logic and revised history sold to the masses, and used as the underpinning of most issues dear to the Democrat Party. So, if you like the DNC, do NOT ask any questions about their philosophies, their ideals, their history, etc. It will blow your mind how completely they own all the crimes they push on the GOP everyday. (Slavery, Jim Crow, Segregation, KKK, the Indian Wars, etc. Democratic Party to their core, everyone!)
This entropy of knowledge and logic on the left, is what is fueling a new resurgence of conservative and Christian influence.
Look at the now hundreds of videos of conservative people going to protests across the nation, and interviewing the protestors about the issues they are protesting and why, and they look just like they did when they were interviewed on the street by Jay Leno! They have no idea what they are doing except; being in a group, and chanting in a group to show they are in the group. The whole time trying to hurt the feelings of the conservatives trying to speak with them, by constantly shouting they aren’t part of the group. Or, the common behavior, especially amongst women, of howling. Yes, actual howling. They always seem to engage first, attacking with all the confidence of the group, then when actual evidence or logic is presented, they just start howling. They can’t hear what is being said, and still get to feel like they are doing their duty of attacking the enemy! It’s truly surreal, and so revealing to everyone but them, and their echo chamber mates.
This phenomenon is complex and sad to watch. The consequences are far from realization or comprehension. But, I am hopeful that we can go back to a world based on fact and science. A new Enlightenment Period, that is once again, based in fact, not this post-modern post-fact world being crammed down our throats today.
If you are of the left, and have made it this far… you must be thinking, “there is no way this crap is true! How could this much of our mass media, and other power centers be preaching such a singular message, with the backing of so many “legitimate” people, with such deceit, and lack of real evidence? That is impossible!”
Yet, you do know there is a constant drumbeat of disrespect thrown at conservatives, whether it makes sense to be included or not.
You know the media in all forms, pushes identity politics.
You know that all the arguments against the right are strawman arguments. Equating any opposition to certain issues from the right, as fear and hate. “If you don’t want refugees coming from countries that are in such a bad state they can’t provide any vetting of the refugees before shipping them here, you are a racist!” Even after the fact that ISIS stated that they had crafted and enacted plans to infiltrate the refugee system to transport terrorists around the world…”irrelevant”, says the left. We should be willing to accept some terrorists attacks every year, and an almost daily acid attack, like in England. If, we aren’t willing to put up with a few of these things, that are just a part of modern life (says, the mayor of London), how can we call ourselves civilized! You Islamophobic, tools! (sarcasm)
Or, like, gay marriage being presented to the world as, “the government telling gay people who they can love.” What?! “Bob, I thought I loved you as a person, but I called my congressman and he informed me I was mistaken. Good day, sir.”
Or, when you have to remove or alter words to reinvent definitions, like turning illegal immigrant into immigrant. “If you won’t let in all immigrants than you are a racist, and a piece of crap!” Which when said to me, a white male, I just roll my eyes at you. But, you better duck because of the reaction of my legal immigrant neighbor standing next to me, who had to wait in line for years, showing respect to this country and its laws, and earning respect from this country in the doing.
You know free speech is being attacked from one side only. And, deep down, when you hear the arguments against free speech, they could only be based in fear. How is a lack of transparency ever good? When is a lack of comprehensive understanding of a topic a good thing? Safe spaces?!
You know that all the left wing big issues are sold as gospel, and anyone deviating from that gospel is an apostate that should be banished! Or, anybody against; climate change, gender issues, etc. are not just uneducated or misinformed, they are crazy and should not be taken seriously as a person. That extreme level of silencing debate, should concern any real intellect. (And, no, there really hasn’t been peer reviewed science, comprehensively debated on either of those issues. They have not been settled by science. Yes, there is change in the climate, and yes, there are feminine men and masculine women.)
You also know that the idea of becoming a conservative scares you to death! Why? Based on what evidence?
I dare you to be liberal! I dare you to open your mind! I dare you to look at all the evidence! I dare you to open your ears and close your mouth! In fact, whatever cliche liberal idea that used to be bandied about as a pillar of the left… I dare you to be any of those.
Take the red pill. See what the real world has to offer.
P.S. The Founding Fathers knew that the desire to be a part of the group is the most tyrannical and powerful of desires. So, even though they knew the systems they were putting in place in the U.S. demanded the moral code and conduct of a Christian, they would never nationalize or institutionalize Christianity.
Constantine’s Christian Rome clearly showed how the Church was corrupted by the false disciples and followers, there only to be a part of the group, and not because of their love of Christ. Although, even with those steps taken, the American Church was still corrupted in many ways, for the same reasons. Many members there for false reasons, demonstrating a false faith, and then being used as examples of Christian hypocrisy!
Ask for evidence or even a simple why, twice in a row, and indoctrination is revealed.